Release notes

Version 0.2.4

This fixes a bug with handling of dates. If you want to fix historic data in your IPN tables, you need to apply a migration like the following:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import pytz
from datetime import datetime
from django.db import migrations
from django.utils import timezone

    "%H:%M:%S %b. %d, %Y PST",
    "%H:%M:%S %b. %d, %Y PDT",
    "%H:%M:%S %b %d, %Y PST",
    "%H:%M:%S %b %d, %Y PDT",

def parse_date(datestring):
    for format in PAYPAL_DATE_FORMATS:
            return datetime.strptime(datestring, format)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):

def fix_ipn_dates(apps, schema_editor):
    PayPalIPN = apps.get_model("ipn", "PayPalIPN")

    for ipn in PayPalIPN.objects.all():
        # Need to recreate PayPalIPN.posted_data_dict
        posted_data_dict = None
        if ipn.query:
            from django.http import QueryDict
            roughdecode = dict(item.split('=', 1) for item in ipn.query.split('&'))
            encoding = roughdecode.get('charset', None)
            if encoding is not None:
                query = ipn.query.encode('ascii')
                data = QueryDict(query, encoding=encoding)
                posted_data_dict = data.dict()
        if posted_data_dict is None:

        for field in ['time_created', 'payment_date', 'next_payment_date', 'subscr_date', 'subscr_effective']:
            if field in posted_data_dict:
                raw = posted_data_dict[field]
                naive = parse_date(raw)
                if naive is not None:
                    aware = timezone.make_aware(naive, pytz.timezone('US/Pacific'))
                    setattr(ipn, field, aware)

class Migration(migrations.Migration):

    dependencies = [
        ('ipn', '0003_auto_20141117_1647'),

    operations = [
                             lambda apps, schema_editor: None)  # allowing reverse migration is harmless)

Version 0.2

  • Introduced new, less confusing signals, and deprecated the old ones. This is a bit of an API overhaul, but the migration path is clear, don’t worry!

    • IPN:

      Previously, there were IPN signals like payment_was_successful which fired even if the payment_status on the IPN was 'Failed', and there were other signals like payment_was_refunded to cover other specific statuses, but not all of them. There were also bugs that meant that some signals would never fire.

      To sort out all these issues, and to future proof the design, the signals have been reduced to:

      • valid_ipn_received
      • invalid_ipn_received

      The ‘invalid’ signals are sent when the transaction was flagged - because of a failed check with PayPal, for example, or a duplicate transaction ID. You should never act on these, but might want to be notified of a problem.

      The ‘valid’ signals need to be handled. However, you will need to check the payment_status and other attributes to know what to do.

      The old signals still exist and are used, but are deprecated. They will be removed in version 1.0.

      Please see Using PayPal Standard IPN.

    • Pro:

      This used signals even though they weren’t really appropriate.


      • If you are using PayPalWPP directly, the returned PayPalNVP objects from all method should just be used. Remember that you need to handle PayPalFailure exceptions from all direct calls.
      • If you are using the PayPalPro wrapper, you should pass a callable nvp_handler keyword argument.

      Please see Using PayPal Payments Pro (WPP).

  • You must explicitly set PAYPAL_TEST to True or False in your settings, depending on whether you want production or sandbox PayPal. (The default is True i.e. sandbox mode).

    The sandbox() method on any forms is deprecated. You should use render and set PAYPAL_TEST in your settings instead.