Install ======= Install into a virtualenv using pip:: pip install django-paypal Or using the latest version from GitHub:: pip install git:// If you are using Django < 1.7, you should also install South >= 1.0.1 if you haven't already. This is not listed as a dependency for the sake of users who are on Django >= 1.7 and don't need it. You will also need to edit your ````, but the specifics depend on whether you are using IPN/PDT/Pro. In addition, you may need to take some precautions regarding ``REMOTE_ADDR``. In all cases the user's IP address is recorded when payments are recorded, since this value can be useful in some cases. This value is taken from ``request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']``. In some setups, however, it is possible that this value is incorrect, or may not even validate as an IP address. If it is not a valid IP address, then saving of IPN/PDT/NVP data will fail with a validation error. Due to the many different ways that systems can be configured, with different proxies etc., correcting ``REMOTE_ADDR`` is outside the scope of django-paypal. You are advised to use a custom middleware or a solution like `django-xff `_ to ensure that ``request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']`` is correct or at least a valid IP address.