=============== Release notes =============== Version 1.1.1 (2021-04-08) -------------------------- * Corrected PayPal URL used in IPN/PDT forms. This is a correction of the fix in 1.1 for POSTBACK_ENDPOINT, which wrongly changed both the IPN postback URL and the PayPal login URL. The fix introduces a pair of new settings (LOGIN_URL and SANDBOX_LOGIN_URL). The fix also changes the (undocumented) ``get_endpoint`` method on the PayPalPaymentsForm to ``get_login_url()``, in case you are overriding that method. Version 1.1 (2021-03-14) ------------------------ * Fix PayPalSharedSecretEncryptedPaymentsForm in Python 3 - thanks Emilio Moretti * Dropped Python 3.4 support * Fixed some bugs with ``CreditCard.get_type()`` due to bad regexes * Fixed a bunch of warnings emitted under modern Django * Changed default values of POSTBACK_ENDPOINT and SANDBOX_POSTBACK_ENDPOINT to ones now recommended by PayPal. Version 1.0 (2019-03-22) ------------------------ * Dropped support for versions of Django before 1.11 * Encrypted button corrections * .encode() the encrypted result to avoid b'' decoration under Python 3 * Fix the encrypted button examples in the documentation to use the encrypted form * Fixed issue #206 - DB migration required by Django 2.1 * Support for almost all deprecated features removed, including: * Signals deprecated in v0.2 (see notes below) * Not passing ``nvp_handler`` to ``PayPalPro`` (see notes under 0.2) * Using ``"amt"`` parameter with ``SetExpressCheckout`` and ``DoExpressCheckoutPayment`` (see notes under 0.1.4 below) * Settings deprecated in v0.4 * ``setCustomerBillingAgreement`` (pre 0.1.3 feature) * ``PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL`` (see notes under 0.3) * ``pdt`` view (see notes under 0.3) * ``sandbox`` method on forms (see notes under 0.2) Version 0.5.0 ------------- * Dropped official support for Python 3.3 * Support for Django 2.0 * Fixed bug with IPv6 addresses (thanks @alexcrawley) * Tidy up and update PayPalPaymentsForm. Specifically: * Where possible, remove explicit fields, leaving them to be handled by __init__(), which creates fields as required from the contents of ``initial``. * Deprecate field return_url - use field return instead. PayPal expects field ``return``, but Python's return keyword meant it wasn't possible to set that field in the class's definition. Later, code in __init__ was added to handle any value in ``initial``, in particular ``initial['return']``. As the work around which renamed 'return' to 'return_url' is not necessary, it is now being deprecated. To maintain backwards compatibility initial['return_url'] is remapped to initial['return'], with a deprecation warning. Thanks @JonathanRoach * Add cmd choices for _xclick-auto-billing and _xclick-payment-plan. Version 0.4.1 ------------- * Added forgotten docs file Version 0.4.0 ------------- * Cleaned up and documented all settings related to button images. Specifically: * The default images have been updated to recent ones. This is backwards incompatible if you were relying on the previous (very old) image and had not set ``PAYPAL_IMAGE`` in your settings. * Removed separate settings for sandbox mode - these only meant more work when configuring, and production looked different from sandbox by default. This is backwards incompatible, but only affects development mode. * Names of settings made clearer. The new names are: * ``PAYPAL_BUY_BUTTON_IMAGE`` (was: ``PAYPAL_IMAGE``) * ``PAYPAL_DONATION_BUTTON_IMAGE`` (was: ``PAYPAL_DONATION_IMAGE``) * ``PAYPAL_SUBSCRIPTION_BUTTON_IMAGE`` (was: ``PAYPAL_SUBSCRIPTION_IMAGE``) Version 0.3.6 ------------- * Version bump due to messed up version numbers in previous release. Version 0.3.4 ------------- * Use multi certificates with PaypalEncryptedPaymentsForm * Fixed issue #166 - regression from 0.2.7 when using ``USE_TZ=False`` * Django 1.11 compatibility. * Added warnings for untested code. Version 0.3.3 ------------- * Fixed issue #147 - compatibility with Django 1.10 Version 0.3.2 ------------- * Fixed ``verify`` method of IPN/PDT so that it can be re-run in the case of a PayPal server error. * Added 're-verify' admin action for IPNs. * Other IPN admin improvements. * *IMPORTANT:* Removed the undocumented and untested ``item_check_callable`` parameter from several IPN and PDT processing functions. You should implement checks in signal handlers like ``valid_ipn_received`` or other calling code. * Fixed issue #119 - flagged IPNs not excluded from duplicate checking. * Fixed issue #126 - documented need to check amount received. Version 0.3.1 ------------- * Better handling of unknown datetime formats, thanks rebwok, PR #137 * Added pytz dependency Version 0.3 ----------- * Dropped support for Django 1.4 and 1.5. * Fixed crasher with AmbiguousTimeError. * Better logging for paypal.pro. * Fixed Django 1.7/1.8 compat for EmailField. * Added missing migration for PDT model. * Added missing South migrations * Fixed max_length of IPN/PDT ``custom`` and ``transaction_subject`` fields * Fixed `issue #105 `_ - IPN failure when running under non-English locale * Added missing fields ``option_selection1`` and ``option_selection2`` to IPN/PDT * *IMPORTANT:* Deprecated the ``PAYPAL_RECEIVER_EMAIL`` setting to allow multiple receiver emails in a single app. This has several consequences for your code, which must be fixed before upgrading to 0.4.x, when this setting will be dropped entirely: * When creating a ``PayPalPaymentsForm`` you must provide the ``business`` field in the ``initial`` parameter. * Validation of ``receiver_email`` must be done in your ``valid_ipn_received`` signal handler and your PDT processing view. Take into account the fact that the user can tamper with the form fields before posting them to PayPal. * The use of the ``pdt`` view for PDT payments is deprecated. Now you should provide your own view and use the ``process_pdt`` helper function. Version 0.2.7 ------------- * Small fix to logging, thanks frankier Version 0.2.6 ------------- * Small fixes, including not depending on South. Version 0.2.5 ------------- * Fixed some ``PayPalIPN`` DateTimeFields that were not being handled like the rest. Thanks thiagogds for the patch. * Fixed ``PayPalNVP.timestamp`` field so that it receives timezone-aware datetimes if you have ``USE_TZ = True`` Version 0.2.4 ------------- * Fixed timezone parsing of PalPal data so that ``PayPalIPN.payment_date`` and others are handled correctly (if you have ``USE_TZ = True``). This does not include a migration to fix old data - see the release notes if you need that. * Work-arounds for bugs in the IPN Simulator * Other small fixes Regarding the handling of dates: If you want to fix historic data in your IPN tables, you need to apply a migration like the following:: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import pytz from datetime import datetime from django.db import migrations from django.utils import timezone PAYPAL_DATE_FORMATS = [ "%H:%M:%S %b. %d, %Y PST", "%H:%M:%S %b. %d, %Y PDT", "%H:%M:%S %b %d, %Y PST", "%H:%M:%S %b %d, %Y PDT", ] def parse_date(datestring): for format in PAYPAL_DATE_FORMATS: try: return datetime.strptime(datestring, format) except (ValueError, TypeError): continue def fix_ipn_dates(apps, schema_editor): PayPalIPN = apps.get_model("ipn", "PayPalIPN") for ipn in PayPalIPN.objects.all(): # Need to recreate PayPalIPN.posted_data_dict posted_data_dict = None if ipn.query: from django.http import QueryDict roughdecode = dict(item.split('=', 1) for item in ipn.query.split('&')) encoding = roughdecode.get('charset', None) if encoding is not None: query = ipn.query.encode('ascii') data = QueryDict(query, encoding=encoding) posted_data_dict = data.dict() if posted_data_dict is None: continue for field in ['time_created', 'payment_date', 'next_payment_date', 'subscr_date', 'subscr_effective', 'retry_at', 'case_creation_date', 'auction_closing_date']: if field in posted_data_dict: raw = posted_data_dict[field] naive = parse_date(raw) if naive is not None: aware = timezone.make_aware(naive, pytz.timezone('US/Pacific')) setattr(ipn, field, aware) ipn.save() class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('ipn', '0003_auto_20141117_1647'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython(fix_ipn_dates, lambda apps, schema_editor: None) # allowing reverse migration is harmless) ] Version 0.2.3 ------------- * Fixed various deprecation warnings when running under Django 1.8 Version 0.2.2 ------------- * Added 'commit' kwarg to ``express_endpoint_for_token()`` Version 0.2.1 ------------- * Added ``PayPalNVP.response_dict`` attribute. * Added ``PayPalFailure.nvp`` attribute to get full info * Switched to using ``requests`` library for HTTP calls. Version 0.2 ----------- * Introduced new, less confusing signals, and deprecated the old ones. This is a bit of an API overhaul, but the migration path is clear, don't worry! * IPN: Previously, there were IPN signals like ``payment_was_successful`` which fired even if the ``payment_status`` on the IPN was ``'Failed'``, and there were other signals like ``payment_was_refunded`` to cover other specific statuses, but not all of them. There were also bugs that meant that some signals would never fire. To sort out all these issues, and to future proof the design, the signals have been reduced to: * ``valid_ipn_received`` * ``invalid_ipn_received`` The 'invalid' signals are sent when the transaction was flagged - because of a failed check with PayPal, for example, or a duplicate transaction ID. You should never act on these, but might want to be notified of a problem. The 'valid' signals need to be handled. However, you will need to check the payment_status and other attributes to know what to do. The old signals still exist and are used, but are deprecated. They will be removed in version 1.0. Please see :doc:`standard/ipn`. * Pro: This used signals even though they weren't really appropriate. Instead: * If you are using ``PayPalWPP`` directly, the returned ``PayPalNVP`` objects from all method should just be used. Remember that you need to handle ``PayPalFailure`` exceptions from all direct calls. * If you are using the ``PayPalPro`` wrapper, you should pass a callable ``nvp_handler`` keyword argument. Please see :doc:`pro/index`. * You must explicitly set ``PAYPAL_TEST`` to ``True`` or ``False`` in your settings, depending on whether you want production or sandbox PayPal. (The default is ``True`` i.e. sandbox mode). The ``sandbox()`` method on any forms is deprecated. You should use ``render`` and set ``PAYPAL_TEST`` in your settings instead. Version 0.1.5 ------------- * Fixed support for custom User model in South migrations If you: * are using a custom AUTH_USER_MODEL * are using the 'pro' app * installed version 0.1.4 and ran the migrations, you will need to reverse the migrations in the 'pro' app that were applied when you ran "./manage.py migrate". Version 0.1.4 ------------- * New docs! * Python 3 support. * Django 1.7 support. * Support for custom User model via AUTH_USER_MODEL. If you change AUTH_USER_MODEL you will still need to write your own migrations. * Support for all possible 'initial' options that could be wanted in PayPalStandardForm * Support for PayPalPro CreateBillingAgreement method * Support for PayPalPro DoReferenceTransaction method * Upgraded to PayPal Pro API version 116.0 * This deprecates the "amt" parameter for SetExpressCheckout and DoExpressCheckoutPayment. paymentrequest_0_amt should be used instead. Use of amt will raise a DeprecationWarning for now. * Various bug fixes, refactorings and small features. * Removed PDT signals (which were never fired) Version 0.1.3 ------------- * Missing payment types added * Additional signals: * payment_was_refunded * payment_was_reversed * Django 1.6 compatibility * Various bug fixes, including: * Fixes for non-ASCII characters